Jesus P. Mercado, Jr. (Seminary 1959 to 1968) is organizing this information team to make this homepage. The team will research,facilitate, collect, gather, edit, and enter all relevant pieces of information into the homepage. The mission of the team is to put good a lifelong learning stuff into the main items of the Homepage table of content or Index.

Following is the initial composition of the TEAM:

Following are the objectives of research and information collection:

  1. Facts about the Saint Francis Xavier Seminary, its history, mission, and vision.
  2. Facts about former seminarians and priests as of the present time (year 2000), who they are, what are they doing, and where they are.
  3. Facts about its priests in the service, who they are and where they are.
  4. Facts about the PME Fathers, history in the Philippines, who they are, thier mission and Vision.
  5. Photo Albums, pictures in the life of the seminary.
  6. Seminarians' stories, contributions of stories and anecdotes in the lives in the seminary.
  7. Etc.

An Invitation: to all former seminarians and priests, who have something to contribute like facts, pictures, and stories, please write and submit your contributions to any member of the Information Team. Regarding pictures, we will return them to you your after we will have copied them for the internet. Please help us build our homepage. Thanks.

See Letters and Communications
Letters from Friends